Gas Air MixorsTM
The Waukee Mixor is a precision compressor-carburetor device which
accurately mixes gas and air in any selected ratio, and compresses it
for use with endothermic cracking, or exothermic cracking generators, or
as a source of pre-mixed gas and air for torch brazing, flame heat
treating, or sort metal melting.
Automatic Bypass Regulator: The Compressor includes built-in
pressure regulator which automatically bypasses compressor output back
to the compressor inlet when output is reduced or completely shut off.
Standard Motor: Nobody likes special motors when there is
trouble, due to the delays and shutdowns while motor repairs are being
made, or a new motor purchased. That's why the Waukee Mixor was
engineered with a standard 1750 RPM motor, driving the compressor
through a standard "V" belt. Motor adjusting base is provided with take
up for proper belt tension.
Air Filter: The air inlet of the Waukee Mixor is protected by a
filter which cleans the air of dust, so that it doesn't get into the
carburetor and gum up the works.
Critical Cracking Control: For critical cracking applications
such as Endothermic cracking of natural gas, propane or butane the unit
is available with an enriching flow meter so that extremely small
increments of gas addition can be made with high accuracy of flow rates.
Flo-Meters: Waukee manufactures a complete line of precision
Flo-Meters for use with Mixors, and also for measuring all industrial
gases in processing.